Archives for September, 2019

16th Annual AERA Brown Lecture in Education Research
September 27, 2019

16th Annual AERA Brown Lecture in Education Research

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NSF Changing How It Positions Many Social Science Programs
September 27, 2019

NSF Changing How It Positions Many Social Science Programs

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Should Everyone Have a Work Spouse?
Business and Management INK
September 25, 2019

Should Everyone Have a Work Spouse?

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Senate Appropriators OK 3 Percent Increase in NSF Budget
Academic Funding
September 24, 2019

Senate Appropriators OK 3 Percent Increase in NSF Budget

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NAS Takes Detailed Look at Reproducibility and Replicability

NAS Takes Detailed Look at Reproducibility and Replicability

This Tuesday at 9 a.m., the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will be hosting a national symposium in response to the 200-page report: Reproducibility and Replicability in Science. The symposium will feature discussions on actions taken or contemplated in response to the report’s findings. Learn more or find out how to watch live.

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The Academic Conference – and its Discontents

The Academic Conference – and its Discontents

Individuals find it harder to cover conference costs – and departments or research groups have fewer resources to support them. It is not hard to see why there is a sense of grievance. On the other hand, it is not so easy to see what can be done.

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The Monotony of Transcription: Who’s Revolutionizing the Process?

The Monotony of Transcription: Who’s Revolutionizing the Process?

Transcribing can be a pain, and although recent progress in speech recognition software has helped, it remains a challenge. Speech recognition programs, do, however, raise ethical/consent issues: what if person-identifiable interview data is transcribed or read by someone who was not given the consent to do so? Furthermore, some conversational elements aren’t transcribed well by pattern recognition programs.

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Immigration Court’s Active Backlog Surpasses One Million

Immigration Court’s Active Backlog Surpasses One Million

In the first post from a series of bulletins on public data that social and behavioral scientists might be interested in, Gary Price links to an analysis from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse.

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‘Ethnic Enclave’ Sociologist Wins 2019 Princess of Asturias Award

‘Ethnic Enclave’ Sociologist Wins 2019 Princess of Asturias Award

Alejandro Portes will be recognized for his award in October. He is the Princeton/University of Miami sociologist behind concepts such as the ethnic enclave and segmented immigration.

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What Can Extraordinary Researchers Tell Us About Doing Good Research?

What Can Extraordinary Researchers Tell Us About Doing Good Research?

In this Business and Management INK post, Viktor Dörfler and Colin Eden of the University of Strathclyde Business School write about their research with 19 Nobel laureates examing how people at the ‘grandmaster’ level define what makes for good research .

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Maximizing the Utility of Open Science

Maximizing the Utility of Open Science

A key political driver of open access and open science policies has been the potential economic benefits that they could deliver to public and private knowledge users. However, the empirical evidence for these claims is rarely substantiated. In this post Michael Fell, discusses how open research can lead to economic benefits and suggests that if these benefits are to be more widely realized, future open research policies should focus on developing research discovery, translation and the capacity for research utilization outside of the academy.

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University Rankings Distract From Higher-Education Reform

University Rankings Distract From Higher-Education Reform

University rankings might claim to provide an index through which students, faculty, and the general public might ascertain a number of things: the quality of education provided by an institution, the potential for networking at an institution, the breadth and depth of research being performed at an institution, and more. The institutional quest towards topping the university rankings can, however, derail efforts towards the improvement of society and higher education at large.

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