
Social Science sites of the week

March 23, 2012 1381

Budget week.
The Guardian datablog issued a really good collection of 10 visualizations of data that you need to understand the British budget and the economy For our other suggestions on good starting points for budget information see our blog posting

Internet enemies report 2012
Reporters without Borders Publishes Internet Enemies 2012 Report. This provides rankings and information on nations that censor internet access. Download maps and country files.
Other useful sites on this topic.
The Ifex international Freedom of Expression Exchange is a good starting point as it aims to rapidly disseminate news and information about free expression violations around the world. These include internet censorship, Links are often provided to the latest reports.
Freedom House has programmes assessing internet regulation and freedom worldwide. Herdictweb is a project of Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. It uses citizen reports to map and monitor inaccessible/ blocked.

Observer and NESTA list of Britain’s 50 New Radicals launched
People and organisations that they believe are changing the UK for the better. Many are community organisations or activists some are using websites. View the full list, list by location. Each entry has a profile and link to website.

Launch of New UK Race and Europe Network website
A national network of UK non-governmental organizations interested in combating racism in Europe. The site will be used to provide free access to news, reports and information about racism in European nations. Current coverage includes the horrific shooting in Toulouse. A new

report on racism in the UK

is available.
Also on this theme, launched by the Runnymede Trust
An oral History of the Runnymede Trust 1968-88This new website uses audio interviews to trace key events and legislation in the struggle for race equality in the UK. There are timelines of key events. These include race riots, social protest and parliamentary legislation. Browse the time lines to find descriptions, links to articles and online interviews with those involved.

Year in Hate and Extremism 2011
Released by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Sobering reading on the extent of racism and extremism (bothleft and right wing in USA).The website also has an online map of active US hate groups

In March 1963 the Evian Accords ended the conflict between France and Algeria
A new online site has been created to commemorate the 50th anniversary of this online museum Memoires d’algerie has been created by French online news site OWNI and the Algerian daily El Watan Mémoires d’Algérie (Memories of Algeria) It will include accounts of torture and suffering committed during the war. The site currently has maps, photos and timelines.

If you are interested in this topic from the French persepctive see the full text of the Evian accord on Legitfrance.
and view a dossier on French agency site l’ECPAD (Établissement de Communication et de Production Audiovisuelle de la Défense)
INA France has a few historic clips of news reel footage. It has also produced a collection of 50 years of independence on the teaching related site curiosphere.
TV 5 dossier has discussion and clips. Other newspapers with specialist coverage include Liberation
Le Monde

CITI for Cities.
Major project of CITIbank which aims to help revitalise the infrastructure and economic development of modern cities worldwide. Its remit includes regeneration, urban development, regulation, infrastructure, transport and services. The website includes news case studies and reports. One of the most recent is the Citibank Economist Intelligence Unit city competitiveness report Hotspots which ranks 120 cities worldwide in terms of such factors economic growth and ability to attract business. Download the full report from the right side of the main homepage

Digital Archive of Japan’s 2011 Disasters
An initiative of the Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard University in collaboration with several partners. It is storing resources to enable scholarly study of the physical nature of the earthquake, disaster responses and community efforts. Key features include map datasets, oral accounts and archived websites. Note much information is offered in Japanese only.
The site also has an excellent resource list of other projects creating digital archives of material relating to events. These include English language resources.

Useful national repository from over 30 Swedish national universities. Search for references to articles, dissertations and other research outputs covering all areas of the sciences, social sciences and humanities. See the full list of contributors on the website. The extended search feature enables search to be limited to type of material. The full text of many items is online where copyright allows. These include theses. Most full text items from 2000 onwards.
Site offers some searching and materials in English.

US Elections Looking for advertising. Try Electad
Independent site which claims that it posts all examples from the different campaigns online. The site also indexes polls, tweets and interviews. Of course many of the newspapers also analyses the latest ads. See this example from the Washington Post. If you are interested in ads, the Living room candidate enables you to view examples from all past campaigns from 1952-2008.
The site is maintained by the Museum of the Moving Image. It includes online clips and transcripts, as well as lesson plans for teachers which analyse what makes an effective ad.

The Political Communication Lab at Stanford University also has a store of ads from the current campaign. Copyright and technical information is displayed on the website.
There are also past examples from 1994 onwards.
Plus some examples of online working papers on electoral campaigning and politics in the usa.

ALISS is a not-for-profit unincorporated professional society. It is an independent group which was formed in April 2005 by the former committee of (Aslib Social Science Information Group and Network) The aim of the group is to; Provide opportunities for networking and self-development offer a forum for communication create a network of cooperation and a forum for discussion about emerging issues in social science librarianship.

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