
A Collection: Behavioral Science Insights on Addressing COVID’s Collateral Effects Insights
The second edition of journal 'Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences'

A Collection: Behavioral Science Insights on Addressing COVID’s Collateral Effects

April 28, 2020 4512

Since 2014, the journal Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences has published invited articles from member societies of the Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences that present brief reviews of behavioral and brain scientific findings relevant to public policy. This journal allows scientists to share research findings with the specific intent to help develop and build sound policies and be a resource for policy- and decision-makers looking for digestible research to inform their next steps.

This combination – current and cutting edge peer-reviewed research and an intentional focus on assisting good policy — has come into sharper relief with the COVID-19 pandemic as individuals, organizations and governments scramble to deal with the disease and its collateral damages on the fly. To help in the decisions, the federation, journal editor Susan T. Fiske, and the journal’s publisher, SAGE, offer this collection of articles as a free resource. In some instances, the article’s authors offer descriptions of their scholarship’s applications in the present moment.

Risk Communication

Evaluating news reports and information and dealing with fake news

Promoting Healthy Behavior

Increased alcohol consumption, racial disparities in COVID victims

Relationships Under Pressure

Increased divorce rates and incidents domestic violence

Digital Learning

Help in teaching, issues in learning, technology and reading

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, the public is often misled on the nature of the virus and how to minimize its potential harm.  Many citizens do not have an adequate understanding of the biological and social sciences that are needed to meet the challenges.  Citizens would of course benefit from a deeper understanding of science, but that is difficult because science is evolving very quickly.  However, citizen scientists can at least acquire the fundamentals of scientific reasoning and good questions to ask about any area of science. My colleagues and I have developed technologies on the internet (such as AutoTutor) that have computer agents that hold conversations with a learner in natural language.  These systems are designed to improve comprehension skills and scientific reasoning.  The hope is that citizens will thereby make more informed decisions about the virus and inoculate themselves from misinformation spread through multiple media outlets.” — Carol Connor

Other Pertinent Articles

For a series of quick reads on Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences journal scholarship without a direct COVID focus, CLICK HERE.

FABBS promotes human potential and well-being by advancing the sciences of mind, brain, and behavior. As a coalition of scientific societies, we communicate with policy makers and the public about the importance and contributions of basic and applied research in these sciences.

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