Benjamin Fath (pictured) is a senior lecturer at The University of Auckland Business School. He has researched innovation, internationalisation and growth of NZ businesses for over a decade. Ben teaches Research Methods on the MBA programme. He has facilitated workshops across New Zealand for practitioners on partner strategy in Asia in collaboration with the Asia New Zealand Foundation and ExportNZ.
Antje Fiedler is a senior lecturer at The University of Auckland Business School. Her research interests include growth and internationalisation of firms, with a focus on emerging Asia, and employment relations. Antje is a member of the New Zealand Asia Institute and the Director of the China Studies Centre of The University of Auckland. She is a member of the Academic Advisory Team of the Southeast Asia Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence.
Noemi Sinkovics (PhD, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom) is professor of sustainable and responsible business at Newcastle University and visiting professor at the University of Vaasa, InnoLab, Finland. She previously worked at The University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, The University of Auckland, New Zealand and The University of Manchester, United Kingdom. Her research interests are theoretical and practical issues around entrepreneurship (including international and social entrepreneurship) and social, environmental, and economic upgrading in global value chains. She is co-editor-in-chief for Data in Brief, associate editor for Critical Perspectives on International Business, and serves on number of editorial review boards.,
Rudolf R Sinkovics is a professor of international business at University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School, United Kingdom, and visiting professor at Lappeenranta/Lahti University of Technology, Finland. His research covers issues of inter-organizational governance, and the role of ICT, focusing currently on responsible business. He is co-editor-in-Chief for Critical Perspectives on International Business, associate editor for Transnational Corporations, and serves on several editorial boards.,