Author: Alicia Wise and Lorraine Estelle

Alicia Wise has more than 30 years’ experience in the academic information space including roles with libraries, publishers, and researchers. Most recently she was with Elsevier where she led on Open Access and global strategic relations. Prior to this she held roles with the Publishers Association, Publishers Licensing Society, Jisc, Archaeology Data Service, and in universities. Lorraine Estelle is a professional with experience in the development of new business models, collaborative library services, and information standards. She has orchestrated UK library support for open access initiatives such as arXiv, BioMed Central, Knowledge Unlatched, OpenEdition, and PeerJ. She developed the first models to demonstrate the total cost of publication including APC costs for UK academic institutions and led the first national negotiations to successfully agree offset models to alleviate the cost faced by higher education institutions in maintaining subscriptions to hybrid journals while also paying APC charges. Estelle is also co-editor of the open access journal Insights: the UKSG journal.

How Learned Societies and Open Access Will Learn to Co-Exist
July 12, 2019

How Learned Societies and Open Access Will Learn to Co-Exist

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