Business and Management INK

2011 AOM Annual Meeting

August 1, 2011 909

The Academy of Management (AOM) “is a leading professional association for scholars dedicated to creating and disseminating knowledge about management and organizations.”

AOM will be hosting their annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas from August 12th-16th under the theme “West Meets East: Enlightening, Balancing, and Transcending.”

Please click here to view the program and follow this link to visit the conference website.  

SAGE Publications will be attending the AOM annual meeting. Exhibit hours will be from August 13th-15th from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

The following SAGE journals will be represented at AOM. Please stop by for more information.

Administrative Science Quarterly, published in association with the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University, received a 2010 Impact Factor of 3.684 with a ranking of 13/140 in Management and 8/101 in Business. This top-tier journal regularly publishes the best theoretical and empirical papers based on dissertations and on the evolving and new work of more established scholars, as well as interdisciplinary work in organizational theory, and informative book reviews.

Advances in Developing Human Resources, a publication of the Academy of Human Resource Development, focuses on the issues that help you work more effectively in human resource development. The journal spans the realms of performance, learning, and integrity within an organizational context. Balancing theory and practice, each Issue of the journal is devoted to a different topic central to the development of human resources.

Business & Society, sponsored by the International Association for Business and Society, received an inaugural 2010 Impact Factor of 1.220 with a ranking of 56/101 in Business. This journal publishes the most outstanding scholarship on social issues and ethics, and their impact and influence on organizations. In this fast-growing, ever-changing, and always challenging field of study, Business & Society is the only peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted entirely to research, discussion, and analysis on the relationship between business and society.

Compensation and Benefits Review is the leading journal for senior executives and professionals who design, implement, evaluate and communicate compensation and benefits policies and programs. The journal supports human resources and compensation and benefits specialists and academic experts with up-to-date analyses and information on salary and wage trends, labor markets, pay plans, incentive compensation, legal compliance, retirement programs, health care benefits and other employee benefit plans.

Family Business Review, published in association with the Family Firm Institute, received a 2010 Impact Factor of 2.426 with a ranking of 20/101 in Business. provides a scholarly forum to publish conceptual, theoretical and empirical research aimed to advance the understanding of family enterprise around the world. This journal publishes insightful articles that address issues at the interface of family and business systems.

Group & Organization Management received a 2010 Impact Factor of 2.415 with a ranking of 37/140 in Management and 12 out of 67 in Psychology, Applied. For more than thirty years, GOM has served as an international forum for the latest research and analysis in organizational behavior, organization theory, business strategy, and human resources.

Human Resource Development Review, published in Association with Academy of Human Resource Development, is a theory journal for scholars of human resource development and related disciplines. This journal publishes articles that make theoretical contributions in papers devoted to theory development, foundations of HRD, theory building methods, and integrative reviews of the literature.

The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science received a 2010 Impact Factor of 1.682 with a ranking of 56/140 in Management and 22/67 in Psychology, Applied. This journal is the leading international journal on the effects of evolutionary and planned change. Founded and sponsored by the NTL Institute, JABS is continually breaking ground in its exploration of group dynamics, organization development, and social change.

The Journal of Environment & Development seeks to further research and debate on the nexus of environment and development issues at the local, national, regional, and international levels. The journal provides a forum that bridges the parallel debates among policy makers, attorneys, academics, business people, and NGO activists from all regions of the world. Through a combined focus on international environment and development policies, this journal fills an important niche in the spectrum of scholarly and policy journals.

The Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, published in Association with Baker College and with the Midwest Academy of Management, produces high-quality, peer-reviewed research articles on leadership and organizational studies, focusing in particular on the intersection of these two areas of study. JLOS aims to provide scholarly understanding of the effective application of leadership and other issues in an organizational context.

The Journal of Management, published in association with the Southern Management Association, received a 2010 Impact Factor of 3.747 and was ranked 12/140 in Management and 7/101 in Business. This journal is committed to publishing scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles, that have a high impact on the management field as a whole and cover such field as business strategy and policy, entrepreneurship, human resource management, organizational behavior, organizational theory, and research methods.

The Journal of Management Educationa Publication of the OBTS Teaching Society for Management Educators, is dedicated to enhancing teaching and learning in the management and organizational disciplines. Over the course of the journal’s 35-year history, its development reflects changes in the conceptualization, organization, and practice of management education as well as a long-standing editorial commitment to growth, learning, and innovation.

The Journal of Management Inquiry, published in Association with Western Academy of Management, received a 2010 Impact Factor of 1.283 with a ranking of 69/140 in Management. This is a refereed journal for scholars and professionals in management, organizational behavior, strategy, and human resources. Its intent is to explore ideas and build knowledge in management theory and practice, with a focus on creative, nontraditional research as well as key controversies in the field.

The Journal of Service Research, sponsored by the Center for Excellence in Service, University of Maryland, received a 2010 Impact Factor of 1.615 with a ranking of 39/101 in Business. The mission of the JSR is to be the leading outlet for the most advanced research in service marketing, service operations, service human resources and organizational design, service information systems, customer satisfaction and service quality, electronic commerce, and the economics of service. The journal is constructed to be international in scope, in keeping with the increase globalization of business; multidisciplinary, in keeping with how the best management is done; and relevant to the business world in a majority of its articles.

Organizational Research Methods, sponsored by The Research Methods Division of The Academy of Management, received a 2010 Impact Factor of 4.423 and a ranking of 7/140 in Management and 2/67 in Psychology, Applied. This journal was established to bring relevant methodological developments to the attention of a broad range of researchers working in areas represented within the domains of the organizational sciences. An important goal of ORM is to promote a more effective understanding of current and new methodologies as applied in organizational research.

Small Group Research received a 2010 Impact Factor of 1.148 and was given a ranking of 73/140 in Management, 29/56 in Psychology, Social, and 38/67 in Psychology, Applied. This is an international and interdisciplinary journal presenting research, theoretical advancements, and empirically supported applications with respect to all types of small groups. Through advancing the systematic study of small groups, this journal seeks to increase communication among all who are professionally interested in group phenomena.

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