Read the New Virtual Special Issues from The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science!
We’re pleased to announce six new virtual special issues from The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science! Compiled by The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science associate editors Jean M. Bartunek and Jean E. Neumann, these research collections include titles such as “Action Research,” “Planned Change,” “Paradox and Contradictions” among others. Each collection contains a generous number of articles exploring group dynamics, organization development, and social change.
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science editor William Pasmore introduced these collections:
We are very pleased to launch virtual collections of articles on themes
that have defined what JABS has stood for as a journal devoted to change for the past fifty years. Having these outstanding contributions in one location will enhance access to the ideas they present and hopefully, inspire continued scholarship of similar quality and purpose. In the future, we will be curating virtual collections on specific topics related to change, such as change readiness and factors that influence the success of change efforts. We hope you will look forward to examining these virtual collections. They are one more way that JABS can contribute to the advancement of science and practice in the arena of organizational and societal change.
You can click here to view all six of the virtual special issues from The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. Like what you read? You can sign up to have all the latest news and research from The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science sent right to your inbox. Just click here to sign up for e-alerts!