
American Council of Learned Societies Names Fellows

April 25, 2019 2239

First-ever Mellon/ACLS Scholars & Society Fellows

The American Council of Learned Societies has named the inaugural recipients of the Mellon/ACLS Scholars & Society Fellowship. The fellowships offer faculty who teach and advise PhD students opportunities to serve as ambassadors for humanities and humanistic social science scholarship beyond the academy and deepen their support for doctoral curricular innovation on their campuses. The awards are made possible by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Scholars & Society Fellows conduct research projects in the humanities or humanistic social sciences while in residence at cultural, media, government, policy, or community organizations of their choice. The awards promote mutually beneficial partnerships between fellows and their colleagues at the host institutions, through which they can collaborate, interact, and learn about each other’s work, motivating questions, methods, and practices.

Among this year’s projects are a collaboration with the Cambridge, Massachusetts city government to explore approaches to equitable and sustainable transit design; a study that illuminates the lived experiences of migrants in detention in the United States; and a partnership with the Utah AIDS Foundation to chronicle the challenges that faced the only doctor in the state willing to treat HIV positive patients and the nuns of Holy Cross Church who ministered to Utahns living with AIDS.

Fellows are selected through multi-disciplinary peer review on the basis of the strength of their proposed projects and their commitment to connecting their community engaged scholarship with doctoral education at their institutions. The fellowships offer a stipend of $75,000 plus $6,000 for research and project costs, as well as additional funding in the year following the fellowship for programming on the fellows’ campuses that promotes the public value of humanities scholarship. Fellows also take part in workshops on best practices for public scholarship and doctoral curricular innovation in the humanities.

The 2019 Mellon/ACLS Scholars & Society Fellows are listed below. Listings for those with a social science bent include their project:

Jonathan Shapiro Anjaria | Associate professor of anthropology, Brandeis University: Designing Sustainable and Equitable Streets: A Scholarly and Governmental Collaboration, in residence at the City Council – City of Cambridge, Massachusetts

David S. Barnes | Associate professor of history and sociology of science, University of Pennsylvania: “Our Misery Was Great”: Narratives of Suffering and Resilience as Windows on Immigrant Health in the United States, Past and Present, in residence at Puentes de Salud, Philadelphia

Deborah A. Boehm | Professor of anthropology and gender, race, and identity, University of Nevada, Reno: A Study of Unseen Spaces: US Immigration Detention in the Twenty-first Century, in residence at Freedom for Immigrants, Los Angeles and Oakland, California

Elizabeth Alice Clement | History at University of Utah

Helena Feder | English, East Carolina University

Kimberly A. Gauderman | History, University of New Mexico

Catherine Gudis | History, University of California, Riverside

Ralina L. Joseph | Associate professor of communication, University of Washington: Interrupting Privilege, in residence at the Northwest African American Museum, Seattle

Marissa López | English, University of California, Los Angeles

Sunaina Maira | Professor of Asian American studies, University of California, Davis: Sanctuary, Solidarity, and Missing Stories: Arab Immigrants and Refugees in the Trump Era, in residence at the Arab Resource and Organizing Center, San Francisco
Rayna Rapp | Professor of anthropology, New York University: Remix: Disability Arts in an Age of Genetic Testing, in residence at Positive Exposure, New York City
Elizabeth Son | Theatre, Northwestern University

Learn more about the fellows’ projects and host organizations here

Announcing the 2019 ACLS Fellows

The American Council of Learned Societies has also announced its much larger cohort of 2019 ACLS Fellows. This year’s 81 fellows were selected by their peers from over 1,100 applicants in a review process with multiple stages. Awards range from $40,000 to $70,000, depending on the scholar’s career stage, and support six to 12 months of full-time research and writing.

The 2019 ACLS Fellows are listed below, with social scientists’ fellowship projects identified:

Francesca Russello Ammon | City, regional planning, and historic preservation, University of Pennsylvania

Adrian Anagnost | Art, Tulane University

Kevin B. Anderson | Professor of sociology, political science, and feminist studies, University of California, Santa Barbara: Mapping the Late Marx: On Colonialism, Gender, Development, and Multilinear Concepts of Revolution

Laurie Arnold | History, Gonzaga University

Yury P. Avvakumov | Theology, University of Notre Dame

Anthony Barbieri-Low | History, University of California, Santa Barbara

Janine G. Barchas | Professor of English, University of Texas, Austin

Marsha E. Barrett | History, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Erin Beeghly | Assistant professor of philosophy, University of Utah: Whats Wrong with Stereotyping?

Shanna Greene Benjamin | English, Grinnell College

Susanna Berger | Art history, University of Southern California

Allan M. Brandt | History of science, global health, and social medicine, Harvard University

Susan Burch | Professor of American studies, Middlebury College: Committed: Native Self-determination, Kinship, Institutionalization, and Remembering

Christopher Collins | Professor of linguistics, New York University: The Eastern Khoisan Languages of Botswana

Catherine Conybeare |Professor of Greek, Latin, and classical studies, Bryn Mawr College

Jay Crisostomo | Assistant professor of Middle East studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: The Social Lives of Sumerian

Joanna Dee Das | Performing Arts, Washington University in St. Louis)

Marlene L. Daut | Associate professor of African American studies, University of Virginia: Awakening the Ashes: An Intellectual History of Haiti

Joshua Foa Dienstag | Professor of political science, University of California, Los Angeles: The Human Boundary: Freedom, Citizenship, and Democracy in a Post-Human Age

Polina Dimova : Visiting scholar of German, Russian, and East European studies, Vanderbilt University

Laura F. Edwards | History, Duke University

Jonathan E. Elmer (English, Indiana University, Bloomington

Amy Erdman Farrell | Professor of American studies and women’s, gender, and sexuality studies, Dickinson College: Girl Scouts of the USA: Democracy, Sisterhood, and Empire

Julia Fawcett | Theater, dance, and performance studies, University of California, Berkeley

Amanda H. Frost | Law, American University

Matthew John Garcia | Ralph and Richard Lazarus Professor of History, Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies, and Human Relations, Dartmouth College: Eli and the Octopus: The Man Who Failed to Tame United Fruit Company

Valentina N. Glajar | Professor of modern languages, Texas State University, San Marcos

Andrea S. Goldman | History, University of California, Los Angeles

Isabel Cherise Gómez | Assistant Professor of Latin American and Iberian Studies, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Cam Grey|Associate professor of classical studies, University of Pennsylvania

Christopher Hager | English, Trinity College, Connecticut

Amy A. Hasinoff | Associate professor of communication, University of Colorado, Denver: The Traffic in Images of Women: Revenge Porn and Shared Accountability for Online Harm

Matthew S. Hedstrom | Associate professor of religious studies and American studies, University of Virginia: The Religion of Humanity: Spiritual Cosmopolitanism, Politics, and the United Nations

James Heinzen | History, Rowan University

Anna Henchman | English, Boston University

Isabel Huacuja Alonso | History, California State University, San Bernardino

Calvin Hui | Assistant professor of modern languages and literatures, College of William and Mary: Useless: Fashion, Media, and Consumer Culture in Contemporary China

Jennifer Jahner | Assistant Professor of Humanities, California Institute of Technology

Richard Janko | Professor of classical studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (ACLS Barrington Foundation Centennial Fellow in Classical Studies)

Katie L. Jarvis | History, University of Notre Dame

Jeannette Eileen Jones | Associate professor of history and ethnic studies, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Hilary Falb Kalisman | History and Endowed Professor of Israel/Palestine Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder

Ippolytos Andreas Kalofonos | Assistant professor of psychiatry, University of California, Los Angeles: “All I Eat Is ARVs”: Surviving the AIDS Economy in Central Mozambique

Catherine M. Kearns | Assistant professor of classics, University of Chicago

Greta L. LaFleur | Assistant professor of American studies, Yale University

Priya Lal | History, Boston College

Melinda Latour | Music, Tufts University

Keith D. Leonard | Literature, American University

James S. Leve | Music, Northern Arizona University

Darryl Li | Assistant professor of anthropology, University of Chicago: The Universal Enemy: Jihad, Empire, and the Challenge of Solidarity

Marc Matera | History, University of California, Santa Cruz)

Ndubueze L. Mbah | History, State University of New York

Julie A. Minich | Associate professor of English, Mexican American, and Latina/o studies, University of Texas, Austin: Health, Justice, and Latina/o/x Expressive Culture

Ada Palmer | History, University of Chicago

Nandini B. Pandey | Associate professor of classical and ancient Near Eastern studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Sun-Young Park | History and art history, George Mason University

Gerard Passannante | English and comparative literature, University of Maryland

Nathalie M. Peutz | Assistant professor of Arab crossroads studies, New York University Abu Dhabi: Gate of Tears: Migration and Impasse in Yemen and the Horn of Africa

Anne Pollock | Professor of Global health and social medicine, King’s College London: Race and Biopolitics in the Twenty-first Century

Emily Remus | History, University of Notre Dame

Jennifer Rhee | English, Virginia Commonwealth University

Sara Ritchey | History, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Kathryn Susan Roberts | Assistant professor of American studies, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands

Joshua D. Rothman | History, University of Alabama

Britt Rusert | Associate professor of Afro-American studies, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Rashmi Sadana | Associate professor of sociology and anthropology, George Mason University: Gender, Urban Space, and Everyday Life in the Age of the Delhi Metro, 2002-2018

Joel Alden Schlosser | Assistant professor of political science, Bryn Mawr College: Refusing Mere Existence: Philosophical Asceticism and the Politics of Refusal

Erik Rattazzi Scott | History, University of Kansas

Samantha Katz Seal | English, University of New Hampshire

W. Anthony Sheppard | Music, Williams College

Satoko Shimazaki | Associate professor of East Asian languages and cultures, University of Southern California: Kabuki Actors, Print Technology, and the Theatrical Origins of Modern Media

Heather Streets-Salter | History, Northeastern University

Xiaofei Tian | Professor of East Asian languages and civilizations, Harvard University (ACLS Donald J. Munro Centennial Fellow in Chinese Arts and Letters)

Katherine Unterman | History, Texas A&M University

Don Edward Walicek | English and linguistics, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras

Keren Weitzberg | History, University College London

Kimberly Welch | History and law, Vanderbilt University

Claire Wendland | Professor of anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison: Partial Stories: Maternal Death in a Changing African World

Ashli White | History, University of Miami

Michael E. Woods | History, Marshall University

Marcia Yonemoto | History, University of Colorado

For more information about the recipients and their projects, click here.

Since its founding in 1919, ACLS has provided the humanities and related social sciences with leadership, opportunities for innovation, and national and international representation. ACLS fellows and grantees are engaged in creating new knowledge that benefits our understanding of the world. ACLS continues to be the leading private institution supporting scholars across a variety of humanistic disciplines.

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