Archives for March, 2011

A Prevailing Myth in the Tourism Industry
Business and Management INK
March 31, 2011

A Prevailing Myth in the Tourism Industry

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Group Interaction Sequences & Group Mood
Business and Management INK
March 30, 2011

Group Interaction Sequences & Group Mood

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For Sociology, for the Public University… Join the Debate!
March 29, 2011

For Sociology, for the Public University… Join the Debate!

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When did the Big Society turn into Big Brother?
Academic Funding
March 29, 2011

When did the Big Society turn into Big Brother?

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

“Corporate Social Responsibility: Evolution of a Definitional Construct” from the September 1999 issue of Business & Society, currently appears in the most read […]

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Are Facebook users narcissistic?

Are Facebook users narcissistic?

New research from Australia suggests that Facebook users are more extroverted and narcissistic than people who use the Internet but who don’t […]

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Virtual Team Performance

Virtual Team Performance

René Algesheimer, University of Zurich, Utpal M. Dholakia, Rice University and Calin Gurau, GSCM, Montpellier Business School, recently published “Virtual Team Performance in a […]

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Useful resources for census research

Useful resources for census research

Sunday was census research day. Here are some recommended resources from the LSE Library for finding out more The BBC has some […]

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Social Science sites of the week

Social Science sites of the week

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) – Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update Log The website provides daily updates on the situation from the International […]

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Time to concentrate?

Time to concentrate?

UK Government and research funding agencies are pursuing a strategy of focusing and concentrating the funding of social science research into a […]

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“Analysis will set us free”

“Analysis will set us free”

An article this week in Canada’s ‘Globe and Mail’ by Mel Cappe, president of the Institute for Research on Public Policy, sets out […]

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Leadership Performance

Leadership Performance

“Understanding Leader Emotional Intelligence and Performance: The Role of Self-Other Agreement on Transformational Leadership Perceptions“, by John J. Sosik and Lara E. […]

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