
Social science sites of the week

January 27, 2012 1572

27th January is Holocaust memorial day
To mark the occasion a new educational tool has been launched by University of Southern California’s Shoah Foundation Institute
Developed for school children 13-18, it has over 1,000 video testimonies from survivors and eye-witnesses.

Selected guests to the site can edit and exchange films. See the FAQ for access requirements. (Which currently seem to be US based) Other features of the site include timelines, glossaries and bibliographies to guide further reading.

Here are other some useful resources.
The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust (HMDT) website

 has details of events in the UK plus links to resources for teachers.

They include podcasts from survivors.

Also useful for UK teachers are the Holocaust Educational Trust which was established in 1988. with the aim of educating young people about the Holocaust. Its website

 has timelines of events. and podcasts of academic lectures

it has sponsored, many from leading historians such as Sir Ian Kershaw.
Also offering good quality practical lesson plans for teachers is the Guardian educational website.
For those involved in academic study, The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum  Site is a good starting point. It has a holocaust encyclopaedia,

 a learning site

for students. Plus a section on on-going research publications.

The YouTube channel has lectures on the work of the museum
The United Nations’ International Holocaust Remembrance Trust

Provides free access to academic discussion papers, study guides for teachers

Also excellent is the Yad Vashem the Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority.

It has the Central Database of Shoah Victims’ Names

 Online photo archive,

Online library catalogue and bibliography

 of reading on holocaust related topics and an online archive of survivors testimonies.

World Economic Forum 2012
Official website of the meeting at Davos. Get the latest reports and news. The website also provides free access to the most recent reports produced by the organization. These include the Global Risk report.

 Global Competitiveness report.

 Global Gender gap report.

Its YouTube channel has interviews with world economic leaders.
You can also view some past interviews and presentations on Fora.TV
For some quick commentary on the events see the Bloomberg news section.

Deloitte lTalent Edge 2020
A longitudinal survey series conducted in collaboration with Forbes Insights launched in 2011. It aims to track trends in talent management by businesses worldwide.
The latest report from January 2012 is Talent Edge 2020
Redrafting talent strategies for the uneven recovery
Another useful resource for tracking economic trends.
Global MetroMonitor 2011: Volatility, Growth, and Recovery Launched by Brookings institution recently.
An analysis of per capita GDP (income) and employment changes in the 2010 to 2011 period for 200 of the world’s largest metropolitan economies, the website also has interactive maps.

Armenian Genocide denial and France.
This week the French senate made it illegal to deny the 1915 Armenian genocide. Get the text and further information from their website.

 You can also search the French Assembly nationale report for French government committee reports.
The Armenian Genocide Museum

is a research center of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences. Its website has chronologies and details. It includes a research bibliography.  Further shocking images can also be seen. On the French language. Comité de Défense de la Cause Arménienne website
along with selected news campaigns about the legal battle in France. Most items offered in French only.

UK Education select committee uses Twitter
Interesting development of the use of twitter by the committee to They asked the public to pick a question they would ask the education minister Michael Gove.!/search/AskGove

Colonial Film moving Images of the British Empire.
Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and features films from the British Film Institute, the Imperial War Museum, and the British Empire and Commonwealth Museum. They include British armed forces films, Empire Marketing Board, and missionary films. View over 150 online and find details about 350 more. Choose the advanced search form to restrict to online content only. Individual entries have copyright right and bibliographical details. Many also have research notes. The database can be searched by country or theme. Themes include empire and health, independent, industry and independence.
Examples include:
Wives of Nendi from 1949

Described by the voiceover as ‘the true story of Mai Mangwende, the wife of Chief Mangwende of Southern Rhodesia and the African women’s clubs she founded all over the Mangwende reserves’ Examples from the Colonial Film Unit include: Mr English at home 1940.
A day in the life of a ‘typical’ English family.  Intended for African distribution. Reveals representation of Britain sent to African audiences.

London School of Economics sets up Growth Commission.

LSE Growth Commission (in association with the Institute for Government) which aims to provide contribution to the formulation and implementation of a long-term growth strategy the UK. It will run for a year from January 2012. The website currently has information about those involved and the launch event from the 23rd January.

Discovering Britain
Website launched in association with the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)the website has a series of fun and informative walks which will help people explore/ learn more about the social economic and political history of their area. Choose a walk, by region, type of landscape all are graded with difficulty. Examples include: District 45  Travel back in time to London’s Deptford 100 years ago this has maps, downloads of audio tours., images which use Booth maps to show poverty in the region. There is also a collection of links to online archives where more can be found.

The ICAA Documents of 20th-century Latin American and Latino Art digital archive
Hosted by the International Center for the Arts of the Americas (ICAA), Houston. This new website provides free access to primary sources and critical documents tracing the development of twentieth-century art in Latin America and among Latino populations in the United States over 2,000 materials are currently archived. Topics covered include diasporas, immigration, race class and gender issues. Find examples of online posters, artist notebooks, articles and discussion these include the discussion of art in political movements, murals (including Diego Rivera in Mexico) registration required to download resources.

Index of Postal Freedom, 2012

Launched by the Consumer Postal Council.

Get facts and figures about the provision of postal services in countries worldwide.–_2012_Edition.shtml
Typical entries include overviews, history, information on market competitiveness, universality of service, and privatization with links to the main bodies.
A good supplement to the Universal Postal Union website.

This has far more detailed statistics on numbers of staff. Post offices etc. in many nations worldwide.

ALISS is a not-for-profit unincorporated professional society. It is an independent group which was formed in April 2005 by the former committee of (Aslib Social Science Information Group and Network) The aim of the group is to; Provide opportunities for networking and self-development offer a forum for communication create a network of cooperation and a forum for discussion about emerging issues in social science librarianship.

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