Archives for May, 2012

Are You Happy At Work?
Business and Management INK
May 31, 2012

Are You Happy At Work?

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Rejoinder to Gary Guttings Doubts about the Behavioral Sciences
May 30, 2012

Rejoinder to Gary Guttings Doubts about the Behavioral Sciences

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Does the framing of the social sciences in the media put social science ECRs at a disadvantage?
May 30, 2012

Does the framing of the social sciences in the media put social science ECRs at a disadvantage?

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‘Where Are The Women’ In Leadership?
Business and Management INK
May 30, 2012

‘Where Are The Women’ In Leadership?

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Bridging Research and Practice: Jean Bartunek Kicks Off the JABS Podcast Series

Bridging Research and Practice: Jean Bartunek Kicks Off the JABS Podcast Series

We’re delighted to present the inaugural Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (JABS) podcast featuring Dr. Jean Bartunek, an associate editor of JABS […]

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“Treated like imbeciles”

“Treated like imbeciles”

While parts of Aditya Chakrabortty’s recent piece in the Guardian were sensible and informed, its central claim was unfair – that social science disciplines have been unable or unwilling to explore, explain, and confront the ‘Great Financial Crash’ of 2007-9

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Interpersonal Perceptions and Team Impact

Interpersonal Perceptions and Team Impact

Jared A. LeDoux of Louisiana State University, C. Allen Gorman of Radford University, and David J. Woehr of the University of North […]

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Rio +20: JED Special Issue

Rio +20: JED Special Issue

The Journal of Environment & Development (JED), which was recently selected for coverage in the Social Science Citation Index, has released the […]

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CSR: Institutional Models

CSR: Institutional Models

Bjørn-Tore Blindheim of the University of Stavanger published “Institutional Models of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Proposed Refinement of the Explicit-Implicit Framework” on […]

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A Response to Recent Attacks on Social Science

A Response to Recent Attacks on Social Science

Across the world in the media, in policy, government discussions, and in our daily lives, there is evidence of social science at work. Whether it’s analysis of a cultural phenomenon like crime, or a major international concern such how climate change leads to changing lifestyles or inequality, social scientists help us understand cultures and behaviours.

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New Issue of Administrative Science Quarterly!

New Issue of Administrative Science Quarterly!

The March 2012 issue of issue of Administrative Science Quarterly is now available online, with articles exploring topics from team effectiveness and […]

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Research vs. Teaching in Business Schools

Research vs. Teaching in Business Schools

Business schools are facing criticism for favoring research while failing to emphasize teaching. Does it really have to be a tradeoff? Today, […]

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