‘Leaders Are Not Born, But Made’ in Family Firms
How do family businesses maintain effective leadership across generations? It’s a process in which professional advisors play a significant yet often-overlooked role, according to Carlo Salvato of Bocconi University. Dr. Salvato joined Assistant Editor Karen Vinton on the Family Business Review podcast to discuss his article, “Transitional Leadership of Advisors as a Facilitator of Successors’ Leadership Construction,” co-authored by Guido Corbetta of Bocconi University; the paper is forthcoming in FBR and now available in the journal’s OnlineFirst section.
During the succession process, advisors become “deeply and directly involved in the life and the events that happen day-by-day within the organization,” Dr. Salvato said. “Through this hands-on and direct involvement in the family business activities, they become role models, and they are able to transfer skills and understanding and knowledge to the next-generation leader on the job.” Click here to download the podcast interview, or subscribe on iTunes by following this link.
Carlo Salvato is an associate professor of Strategic Management at the Department of Management and Technology, Bocconi University, Italy, where he is a Fellow of the CRIOS Research Center and where he collaborates with the AIdAF-Alberto Falck Chair in Strategic Man
agement in Family Business.
Karen L. Vinton, Ph.D., is assistant editor of FBR and Professor Emeritus of Business at the College of Business at Montana State University, where she founded the University’s Family Business Program.