Archives for July, 2016

Report: Tracing Prejudice’s Descent into Discrimination
July 29, 2016

Report: Tracing Prejudice’s Descent into Discrimination

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Two Decades After Sokal, Is Academic Writing Any Better?
July 27, 2016

Two Decades After Sokal, Is Academic Writing Any Better?

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Book Review: Social Media for Academics
July 26, 2016

Book Review: Social Media for Academics

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Watch Gary King: Do We Need a Big Data Treaty?
July 24, 2016

Watch Gary King: Do We Need a Big Data Treaty?

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Brexit: Well-Behaved Liberals Seldom Change History

Brexit: Well-Behaved Liberals Seldom Change History

As Ian McBride has commented in The Guardian, one of the strange features of Britain’s EU referendum is the resignation with which […]

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We Need a New Science of Safety

We Need a New Science of Safety

Safety is often seen as a challenge for engineers. While that remains a component, the ability to judge risk is perhaps many times more important in keeping people safe, and that suggests it’s time for a new social science of safety, argues Philip Thomas.

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Visualizing Social Media Analysis

Visualizing Social Media Analysis

Two of the authors of case study on using Twitter for research describe the ethical challenges of working in a rapidly changing landscape, why it’s important to be able to visualize what your analysis is finding, and why it’s important not to let your analysis be derived from some sort of ‘black box’ that you as the researcher don’t fully understand.

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What Trump’s Veep Choice Can Teach Us About Coalitions

What Trump’s Veep Choice Can Teach Us About Coalitions

A case study, drawn from Bob Graham’s new book, about how coalitions formed to reverse measures seen as anti gay — such as the religious freedom act that Mike Pence signed and then revised — is available for free here.

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Introducing SocArXiv — an Open Archive for Social Science

Introducing SocArXiv — an Open Archive for Social Science

Sociologist Philip Cohen of the University of Maryland introduces SocArxiv, a fast, free, open paper server to encourage wider open scholarship in the social sciences.

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Multiplying Social Divisions: The Psychology of Us, Them and Rivalrous Cohesion Following the EU Referendum

Multiplying Social Divisions: The Psychology of Us, Them and Rivalrous Cohesion Following the EU Referendum

As well as beginning the long and painful divorce with the European Union, Dominic Abrams and Giovanni A. Travaglino say about Brexit, the United Kingdom is also entering a social space with very different, and very worrying, future dominated by what they term ‘rivalrous cohesion.’

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Vice Presidents: American Politics’ Vestigial Organ

Vice Presidents: American Politics’ Vestigial Organ

While the choice of who will be Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s vice presidential candidates currently consumes the American chattering class, once the choice is made the chosen are more likely than not to slide into obscurity.

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A Post-Mortem: Social Sciences and Brexit

A Post-Mortem: Social Sciences and Brexit

The UK’s referendum on remaining in the European Union or leaving it generated an avalanche of campaign information, including hundreds of interventions by social scientists. David Walker casts a sceptical eye over the experience, asking whether the wafer-thin majority for Leave signals a failure of social scientists input.

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