Archives for November, 2016

Political Studies Association Honors Anne Phillips, Others for Contributions
November 30, 2016

Political Studies Association Honors Anne Phillips, Others for Contributions

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Enough of Experts? Data, Democracy and the Future of Expertise
Public Policy
November 28, 2016

Enough of Experts? Data, Democracy and the Future of Expertise

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Scholarly Research Looks at Brexit: Free Papers
Public Policy
November 24, 2016

Scholarly Research Looks at Brexit: Free Papers

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Why Are Free Speech and Diversity Seen as Campus Enemies?
Higher Education Reform
November 24, 2016

Why Are Free Speech and Diversity Seen as Campus Enemies?

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Government Research Funding Falls for Fourth Year in US

Government Research Funding Falls for Fourth Year in US

For the fourth straight year, federal funding for research and development at institutions of higher education decreased in absolute terms, according to a new brief on the 2015 fiscal year the National Science Foundation released last week. Despite that overall fall, research and development funding for psychology and for fields identified as social science increased from 2014 to 2015.

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When Government is Not Enough for Research Funding

When Government is Not Enough for Research Funding

Two research executives from the University of Minnesota see there isn’t enough government funding to pay for all the innovative research that needs to be taking place. Might business take up the slack?

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Archived Webinar: Survey Tips for Librarians

Archived Webinar: Survey Tips for Librarians

Sage 1083 Career, Tips

Earlier this month, SAGE Publishing — the parent of Social Science Space — held the webinar Survey Tips for Librarians with survey research […]

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Fixing Peer Review, a Biologist’s View

Fixing Peer Review, a Biologist’s View

Peer review clearly isn’t perfect, but rather than simply bypassing it and releasing even more information into an overloaded system, we should focus on making it better, says this life sciences editor. The first step is to reset and clearly state our standards for quality in both publishing and peer reviewing.

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Open Writing is the Necessary Precursor to Open Science

Open Writing is the Necessary Precursor to Open Science

The new Open Writing project aims to open academic writing practice to reflections and experiments with the actual process of writing, with a view to creating new, open research products that have an impact on peers, public and policymakers.

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The People and the State

The People and the State

The win for Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election raises many questions about democracy and the ways in which populist movements […]

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Call for White Papers: Social and Behavioral Sciences for National Security

Call for White Papers: Social and Behavioral Sciences for National Security

The Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences, part of the Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education of the National […]

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Puzzling Out Trump’s Effect on Science and Expertise

Puzzling Out Trump’s Effect on Science and Expertise

The election of Donald Trump illustrates the hazards encountered when scientists and scientific institutions alienate themselves from historic global changes.

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