Registration for ICTeSSH 2020 Now Open!

For more information on the conference, click here. Otherwise, read below for a message from the conference-holders:
Registration for the Information-Communication Technologies enchanted Social Science and Humanities (ICTeSSH) 2020 conference is open. The conference organizers are happy to welcome anyone interested in Information-Communication Technologies (ICT) and Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH) to the conference! The conference will bring together SSH researchers, computer scientists, informaticians, publishers, librarians, vendors of research ICT tools, SSH decision makers and others.
There are many reasons why you should consider participating in this conference:
1) Five great keynote speakers ( cited almost 130,000 time according to the Google Scholar database
2) The attractive program with 18 paper presentations and a panel discussion (
3) Two workshops and two trainings (
4) An ICT quiz with 500 euros prize award for the winner
5) Great social events – dinner, Amsterdam canal boat tour
6) Respectful sponsors
7) A nice event venue in the great period of year for visiting Amsterdam.
In order to register yourself for the conference, please visit the registration page and follow the instructions: