
I’m academic male & I don’t care about female ECRs?!
August 28, 2012

I’m academic male & I don’t care about female ECRs?!

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“The author has asked not to be identified in case this further affects his career prospects.”
August 7, 2012

“The author has asked not to be identified in case this further affects his career prospects.”

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What to Expect from Peer Review
July 13, 2012

What to Expect from Peer Review

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Digital Social Science Vs Digital Humanities: Who does what & does it matter?
July 2, 2012

Digital Social Science Vs Digital Humanities: Who does what & does it matter?

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Does the framing of the social sciences in the media put social science ECRs at a disadvantage?

Does the framing of the social sciences in the media put social science ECRs at a disadvantage?

What does the negativity around social science mean for ECRS? I have often wondered about the numbers of social science ECRs and their job prospects in comparison with those graduating in the natural sciences. Does it make it harder for us to find employment? Do the natural sciences have an advantage?

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Engaging Beyond the Academy

Engaging Beyond the Academy

Social Scientists, Consultancy, and Independent Research

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Working Moms: The Kids Are All Right

Working Moms: The Kids Are All Right

Working mothers tend to be happier and healthier than mothers who stay at home caring for young children, according to recent research. But many of those who work are often haunted by the question: “Am I screwing up my kids?”

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Digital Professionalism Part 3: Your Online Persona & Your Employer.

Digital Professionalism Part 3: Your Online Persona & Your Employer.

This month we return to the final part of the digital professionalism series. What happens when your CV isn’t enough and can you be too honest?

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Post-PhD careers plan B: Outside of (Traditional) Academia

Post-PhD careers plan B: Outside of (Traditional) Academia

If you are considering a career outside of academia you firstly need to do your homework, this should be easy, if not obvious to any recently completed PhD. Treat your job hunt like a research project

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What should an Early-Career Research Agenda Look Like?

What should an Early-Career Research Agenda Look Like?

How to approach the years beyond the PhD. Some thoughts on alignment, coherence, breadth, and depth.

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“Journals Serving as Tombstones” 学术期刊只是墓碑

“Journals Serving as Tombstones” 学术期刊只是墓碑

In the New York Times recently Paul Krugman described how academic economists grow up, and how blogging might change that….

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I’ve got a social science PhD now what?

I’ve got a social science PhD now what?

I’m taking a break from digital professionalism this month to consider an issue which is currently dominating PhD / Post Doc discussions on twitter – Career options for Post docs and where you fit Post PhD.

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