The Economist Highlights New ASQ Research
The Economist recently took note of new research in Administrative Science Quarterly revealing that after male CEOs become fathers, they pay themselves more and their employees less. You can read the original article, which is forthcoming in ASQ, online now by clicking here.
How big a hit can underlings expect when boss turns dad? Visit the article for the complete findings by Michael S. Dahl of Aalborg University, Cristian L. Dezso of the University of Maryland, and David Gaddis Ross of Columbia Business School:
We found robust empirical evidence not only that a male CEO generally pays his employees less generously after fathering a child, but also that this effect is moderated by the gender of the child as well as that of the employee. In particular, a male CEO pays both his female and male employees more generously after the birth of his first
daughter and he pays his female employees more generously after the birth of his first child. Thus a female employee benefits doubly from the birth to her CEO of a first daughter who is also the CEO’s first child. We also found that male CEOs tend to pay themselves more after fathering a child, especially if the child is a son.
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