Archives for June, 2014

How Well Do Post-Training Transfer Interventions Help Trainees in the Workplace?
Business and Management INK
June 6, 2014

How Well Do Post-Training Transfer Interventions Help Trainees in the Workplace?

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Peer Review and You: Dispatch from a Young Researcher
June 6, 2014

Peer Review and You: Dispatch from a Young Researcher

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NSF Clarifies Policy on Award Abstracts and Titles
Academic Funding
June 5, 2014

NSF Clarifies Policy on Award Abstracts and Titles

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Comparing Senate Calm, House Storm on SBE Front
Academic Funding
June 5, 2014

Comparing Senate Calm, House Storm on SBE Front

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‘Nudging’: What Works and Why (Not)?

‘Nudging’: What Works and Why (Not)?

A single nudge may be enough to cause a single action, but is a sing;e type of nudge sufficient to base a new policy on? Shouldn’t we know that before instituting that new policy?

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Are Online and Blended Classes a Good Fit for Management Education?

Are Online and Blended Classes a Good Fit for Management Education?

Online and blended (both online and in classroom) courses are becoming more and more popular as time goes on. According to the […]

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The Trials and Futures of ‘English for Academic Purposes’

The Trials and Futures of ‘English for Academic Purposes’

Academic English is its own language (for better or for worse), and literacy in it requires more than just being a dab hand with Google Translate.

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Drinking For Free at the Behavioral Insights Conference

Drinking For Free at the Behavioral Insights Conference

Here’s a very ‘meta’ experiment for you: What behavioral insights can you gather at a global behavioral insights conference?

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Book Review: What Use is Sociology?

Book Review: What Use is Sociology?

This conversational book with Zygmunt Bauman looks at the usefulness of sociology with an aim to inspire future conversations about the discipline.

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Round-up of Social Science Research

Round-up of Social Science Research

The following articles are drawn from SAGE Insight, which spotlights research published in SAGE’s more than 700 journals. The articles linked below are free […]

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Can We Get Teens to Get Tested for STD’s?

Can We Get Teens to Get Tested for STD’s?

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service’s Office of Adolescent Health, approximately 9.5 million adolescents and young adults are […]

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Bruce Hood on the Supernatural

Bruce Hood on the Supernatural

Listen as Nigel Warburton talks with developmental psychologist Bruce Hood about the very natural tendency to look to the supernatural to explain events.

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