Archives for April, 2016

Senate Appropriators Set Aside $7.5B for NSF
Academic Funding
April 19, 2016

Senate Appropriators Set Aside $7.5B for NSF

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New Podcast: Tomika Greer on Using HRD to Support Repatriates
Business and Management INK
April 19, 2016

New Podcast: Tomika Greer on Using HRD to Support Repatriates

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How Does Job Displacement Impact Heart Health?
Business and Management INK
April 18, 2016

How Does Job Displacement Impact Heart Health?

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Why Do Women Leave Science and Engineering Fields?
Business and Management INK
April 15, 2016

Why Do Women Leave Science and Engineering Fields?

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Will Habitat III Really Update the Urban Agenda?

Will Habitat III Really Update the Urban Agenda?

In this interview, David Satterthwaite, editor of the journal ‘Environment & Urbanization,’ discusses the state of the ‘new’ urban agenda and what we can expect from the upcoming global conference on sustainable urban development.

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Grappa: A Radical Success Story

Grappa: A Radical Success Story

There was a time not too long ago when grappa, the popular Italian grape-based brandy, was considered a poor man’s drink. During […]

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Major Study Asks, What Academic Subject Pays Best?

Major Study Asks, What Academic Subject Pays Best?

A new survey in England examines the career outcomes of recent university leavers. For maximum pay, it helps to be a student of economics — and to be male.

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Mindfulness Leads to Positive Outcomes at Work

Mindfulness Leads to Positive Outcomes at Work

Mindfulness training can help individuals increase their attention and awareness, but how can this present-centered mindset help in the workplace? The recent article published in Journal […]

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Celebrating Freedom of Expression

Celebrating Freedom of Expression

UPDATED WITH WINNERS: Various artists and intellectuals have written for Index on Censorship over the years. As the London-based organization hands out its annual Freedom of Expression Awards, here are some quotes from them that we hope inspire you to speak out for those who can’t.

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Whitened Résumés: How Race and Diversity Impacts the Application Process

Whitened Résumés: How Race and Diversity Impacts the Application Process

What do employers look for in job applications? This is an essential question for job seekers, and depending upon how an employer […]

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In Research, Engagement Is Not the Same As Impact

In Research, Engagement Is Not the Same As Impact

Sage 912 Impact

As governments seek practical metrics for determining if their research funding is money wisely spent, the quest for ‘impact’ takes on great importance. Drawing from the Australian experience, Stephen Taylor addresses several key measurement principles.

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CEOs Can Make Work Feel More Meaningful by Encouraging Innovation

CEOs Can Make Work Feel More Meaningful by Encouraging Innovation

How much impact does a CEO’s behavior have on employees’ perceptions of the meaningfulness of their work? A recent article published in Group […]

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