international relations

Contemporary Politics Focus of March Webinar Series
February 21, 2024

Contemporary Politics Focus of March Webinar Series

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Advice for Trump: Best International Relations Blog Post of 2016
March 14, 2017

Advice for Trump: Best International Relations Blog Post of 2016

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Sydney’s ‘Progress in Political Economy’ Named Best IR Blog
February 24, 2017

Sydney’s ‘Progress in Political Economy’ Named Best IR Blog

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#WomenAlsoKnowStuff (Even About Politics)
Higher Education Reform
March 8, 2016

#WomenAlsoKnowStuff (Even About Politics)

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Diplomacy or Destroyers: Uncle Sam’s Freedom of Navigation Choice

Diplomacy or Destroyers: Uncle Sam’s Freedom of Navigation Choice

Amitai Etzioni argues that the U.S. shouldn’t automatically resort to the big stick when engaging in its self-imposed job as the world’s enforcer of freedom of navigation.

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Tracking the Gender Gap in Assigned Readings

Tracking the Gender Gap in Assigned Readings

New research looking at international relations courses finds that male professors assign more readings by males — and much of it their own work — than do female professors. And this does a disservice to students, argues Jeff Colgan.

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Locating International Relations on the Social Science Map

Locating International Relations on the Social Science Map

A just-published lecture on international relations as a social science suggests that no discipline is an island.

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How Close Were We to Armageddon? The Cuban Missile Crisis.

How Close Were We to Armageddon? The Cuban Missile Crisis.

50 years on, the Cuban Missile Crisis may still prove to be one of the most important events in understanding modern International diplomacy.

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“Is international relations still ‘an American social science’?”

“Is international relations still ‘an American social science’?”

Stephen M. Walt asks in a Foreign Policy blog-post whether the field of international relations is still dominated by scholars from North […]

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