Watch the Webinar: Doing Research Online
This webinar in the MethodSpace Live series of online events reflects that website’s May and June focus on collecting data online. In this edition, MethodSpace’s own Janet Salmons talks one-on-one with the Luke Sloan of the University of Cardiff on their various approaches to conducting research digitally and at a remove from the subjects, often through social media.
Visit MethodSpace for this continuing series of original posts, video interviews, and open access resources about a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods for collecting data online.

Sloan is the deputy director of the Social Data Science Lab at Cardiff and his work aims to understand who uses Twitter through the development of demographic proxies and data linkage. He sits on the School of Social Sciences Senior Management Team as director of learning and teaching and he chairs the University Survey Management Group, which has oversight of all institutional surveys (including NSS, PTES and PRES).
Janet Salmons, a free-range scholar and artist based in Boulder, Colorado, is the methods guru for MethodSpace, a sister website to Social Science Space. She is the author of a number of books about online research, online learning, and collaboration. New books include Gather Your Data Online with online course, What Kind of Researcher Are You?, Your Super Quick Guide to Learning Online, Reframing and Rethinking Collaboration in Higher Education and Beyond, and the forthcoming second edition of Doing Qualitative Research Online.