Social Science Bites

Kate Pickett on the Case for Equality
July 1, 2013

Kate Pickett on the Case for Equality

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Angela McRobbie on the Illusion of Equality for Women
June 3, 2013

Angela McRobbie on the Illusion of Equality for Women

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Happy Birthday Social Science Bites!
May 16, 2013

Happy Birthday Social Science Bites!

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Lawrence Sherman on Criminology
May 1, 2013

Lawrence Sherman on Criminology

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Ann Oakley on Women’s Experience of Childbirth

Ann Oakley on Women’s Experience of Childbirth

In this episode of the Social Science Bites podcast sociologist Ann Oakley discusses her research into a range of questions about women’s experience of childbirth.

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Sarah Franklin on the Sociology of Reproductive Technology

Sarah Franklin on the Sociology of Reproductive Technology

New technologies have dramatically changed choices around reproduction. Sarah Franklin, Professor of Sociology at Cambridge University, discusses her research

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Doreen Massey on Space

Doreen Massey on Space

In honor of the late Doreen Massey, an eminent geographer who died Friday at age 72, we repost her Social Science Bites podcast, which has long been one of our most popular. In this interview, Massey asked us to rethink our assumptions about space — and explained why.

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Daniel Kahneman on Bias

Daniel Kahneman on Bias

Thinking is hard, and most of the time we rely on simple psychological mechanisms that can lead us astray. In this episode of the Social Science Bites podcast, the Nobel-prizewinning psychologist Daniel Kahneman, author of Thinking, Fast and Slow, talks to Nigel Warburton about biases in our reasoning.

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Toby Miller on Cultural Studies

Toby Miller on Cultural Studies

Toby Miller, author and editor of over 30 books on interdisciplinary topics within the Social Sciences, discusses Cultural Studies in relation to his work on the Hollywood film industry and addresses wider questions about objectivity and bias.

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Steven Pinker on Violence and Human Nature

Steven Pinker on Violence and Human Nature

Is the world getting less violent? It seems unlikely. But Steven Pinker has amassed empirical evidence to show that it is. In this interview with Nigel Warburton for the Social Science Bites podcast he explains some of the possible causes of this transformation.

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Jonathan Haidt on Moral Psychology

Jonathan Haidt on Moral Psychology

What can psychology tell us about morality? Jonathan Haidt, author of The Righteous Mind, discusses the place of rationality in our moral judgements in this episode of the Social Science Bites podcast.

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Paul Seabright on the Relationship Between the Sexes

Paul Seabright on the Relationship Between the Sexes

There is still a great deal of inequality between the sexes in the workplace. In this episode of the Social Science Bites podcast Paul Seabright combines insights from economics and evolutionary theory to shed light on why this might be so.

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