Social Science Bites

David Spiegelhalter on Communicating Statistics
Social Science Bites
April 2, 2018

David Spiegelhalter on Communicating Statistics

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Sander van der Linden on Viral Altruism
Social Science Bites
March 1, 2018

Sander van der Linden on Viral Altruism

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Melinda Mills on Sociogenomics
Social Science Bites
February 1, 2018

Melinda Mills on Sociogenomics

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Jo Boaler on Fear of Mathematics
Social Science Bites
January 2, 2018

Jo Boaler on Fear of Mathematics

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Bev Skeggs on Social Media Siloing

Bev Skeggs on Social Media Siloing

“Most people,” explains Goldsmiths sociologist Bev Skeggs in this Social Science Space podcast, “think they’re using Facebook to communicate with friends. Basically they’re using it to reveal how much they can be sold for, now and in the future, and how much their friends can be sold for.”

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Sabina Alkire on Measuring Poverty

Sabina Alkire on Measuring Poverty

Economist Sabina Alkire has spent her career looking at all the things beyond just a lack of money that make us poor. In this Social Science Bites podcast, the director of the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative explains the need for a consistent and reputable means of measuring poverty over time.

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Tom Chatfield on Critical Thinking and Bias

Tom Chatfield on Critical Thinking and Bias

Philosopher Tom Chatfield’s media presence – which is substantial – is often directly linked to his writings on technology. But his new book is on critical thinking, and while that involves humanity’s oldest computer, the brain, Chatfield explains in this Social Science Bites podcast that new digital realities interact with old human biases.

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Ioanna Palaiologou on Play

Ioanna Palaiologou on Play

In the Social Science Bites podcast, Ioanna Palaiologou and Dave Edmonds also talk about cultural differences in play and how it is a vital part of children’s emotional development. All work and no play, it seems, does more than make Jack a dull boy.

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Al Roth on Matching Markets

Al Roth on Matching Markets

In this Social Science Bites podcast, Nobel laureate economist Al Roth explains to interview David Edmonds some of the ins and outs of market matching, giving a wealth of real-world examples.

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Theresa Marteau on Healthy Environments

Theresa Marteau on Healthy Environments

In this Social Science Bites podcast, the director of Studies for Psychological and Behavioural Sciences at Cambridge’s Christ’s College discusses how environment – and that includes the cultural, built and financial environments –buttresses short term pleasures over long term benefits to the detriment of public health.

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Celebrating the First 50 Social Science Bites Podcasts

Celebrating the First 50 Social Science Bites Podcasts

Social Science Bites, a series of interviews with leading social scientists, reached a milestone with its 50th podcast — Gary King on Big Data Analysis — in March 2017. This Storify of tweets presents a memorable quote from each of those first 50 interviews.

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Mary Bosworth on Border Criminology

Mary Bosworth on Border Criminology

Border criminology, Mary Bosworth details in this Social Science Bites podcast, is trying to understand both things that are happening at the border but also things that are happening in our criminal justice system.

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