United States

Exploring Public-Private Partnerships in the National Capital Region of the United States
Business and Management INK
July 12, 2024

Exploring Public-Private Partnerships in the National Capital Region of the United States

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Exploring ‘Lost Person Behavior’ and the Science of Search and Rescue
April 24, 2024

Exploring ‘Lost Person Behavior’ and the Science of Search and Rescue

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‘Scholars of Democracy’ Sign Statement to Support U.S. Voting Legislation
International Debate
November 23, 2021

‘Scholars of Democracy’ Sign Statement to Support U.S. Voting Legislation

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Making Sense of Religion in America Through Critical Race Theory
September 28, 2021

Making Sense of Religion in America Through Critical Race Theory

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How Do Attitudes Towards CSR Influence Job Choices Across Cultures?

How Do Attitudes Towards CSR Influence Job Choices Across Cultures?

[We’re pleased to welcome Cedric E. Dawkins of Dalhousie University. Dr. Dawkins recently collaborated with Dima Jamali, Charlotte Karam, Lianlian Lin, and […]

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Beware the Lessons of Competitive US Higher Ed

Beware the Lessons of Competitive US Higher Ed

Other nations looking at successful American universities and seeing the invisible hand of the marketplace at work should take a closer look at the arm attached to that hand, argues Steve C. Ward.

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How Are Salespeople Viewed Around the World?

How Are Salespeople Viewed Around the World?

How do we view salespeople? Are they overly excited individuals selling us products that may or may not work for a quick […]

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Pricing the ‘Great Cost Shift’ in US Higher Ed

Pricing the ‘Great Cost Shift’ in US Higher Ed

Some Australians have looked to the United States as a model for revamping Oz’s higher education system. U.S.-based sociologist Steven Ward suggests they ought to take another look.

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“Main Street and the 99 Percent Can Learn From This Book”

“Main Street and the 99 Percent Can Learn From This Book”

“The Restructuring of Capitalism in Our Time.” William K. Tabb; New York: Columbia University Press, 2012. 276 pages plus references and index. […]

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‘Reasonable Suspicion’ That Race Matters in the Immigration Debate

‘Reasonable Suspicion’ That Race Matters in the Immigration Debate

In the furor over immigration reform in the U.S., many taking a tougher line cite the law, not the evident ethnicity of the immigrants, for their stance. But that ethnicity matters, new research suggests.

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Navigating the Global Tsunami of Elections in a “Non-Polar” World

Navigating the Global Tsunami of Elections in a “Non-Polar” World

This year, we’re watching an unprecedented tsunami of elections. As countries across the world rise in prominence, and the U.S. role as global enforcer wanes, these elections are increasingly important.

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Impacts of Economic Crisis on Tourism

Impacts of Economic Crisis on Tourism

“Impacts of the World Recession and Economic Crisis on Tourism: North America”, by J.R. Brent Ritchie of the University of Calgary, Alberta, […]

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