Archives for October, 2014

OMG, Zambia’s New Interim President Is … an Economist
October 31, 2014

OMG, Zambia’s New Interim President Is … an Economist

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Have we got treats for you!
Business and Management INK
October 31, 2014

Have we got treats for you!

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Canada’s Impact Award Winners to be Announced Monday
October 30, 2014

Canada’s Impact Award Winners to be Announced Monday

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What is conscious leading?
Business and Management INK
October 30, 2014

What is conscious leading?

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Charting the Road From Attention to Citation

Charting the Road From Attention to Citation

Previous studies show there is low correlation between altmetrics and citation, but how do altmetrics compare to other metrics? Xianwen Wang and his colleagues recently conducted a study to answer this question.

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What is the Role of Self-Efficacy in Sales Education?

What is the Role of Self-Efficacy in Sales Education?

Did you know that sales is one of the top three careers for business graduates (Cummins, Peltier, Erffmeyer, & Whalen, 2013)? Perhaps […]

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Is Big Data Galloping to a ‘Horsemeat Moment’?

Is Big Data Galloping to a ‘Horsemeat Moment’?

Big data is ultimately a big boon for both researchers and the public. But without some reasonable and quick regulation, argues Duncan Shaw, scandals arising from its misuse could turn the public’s stomach.

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The Maddox Winners: Promoting Good Science Can Be a Contact Sport

The Maddox Winners: Promoting Good Science Can Be a Contact Sport

Having run the gantlet of online abuse and legal threats for their troubles, two top-notch science communicators have won this year’s John Maddox Prize for the their evidence-based good work and dedication in the face of adversity.

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Seeking Champions for Social Sciences

Seeking Champions for Social Sciences

Past attempts by American policymakers to degrade the role of social science in the nation’s research and educational infrastructure highlight the necessity of having champions ready to joust in the tourneys on Capitol Hill.

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How Economics Lost Its Identity (Australian Edition)

How Economics Lost Its Identity (Australian Edition)

Business and finance are important, but they’re not the same thing as economics. One academic’s suggestions for making that distinction clear as early as secondary school.

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2013 Impact Factor and Ranking Results

2013 Impact Factor and Ranking Results

SAGE is pleased to announce a strong performance across its journals portfolio in the recently released 2013 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, […]

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Ebola – What’s the Point of the World Health Organisation?

Ebola – What’s the Point of the World Health Organisation?

WHO is supposed to be a global health organization, not a global biomedical organization. The Ebola crisis, argues Robert Dingwall, reveals the extent to which it has lost sight of this mission.

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