
A Social Scientist Looks at the Irish Border and Its Future
July 8, 2021

A Social Scientist Looks at the Irish Border and Its Future

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Brexit and the Decline of Academic Internationalism in the UK
December 3, 2019

Brexit and the Decline of Academic Internationalism in the UK

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Brexit and the Crisis of Academic Cosmopolitanism
October 28, 2019

Brexit and the Crisis of Academic Cosmopolitanism

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Shaping Welsh Government Policy with Research Evidence
August 13, 2019

Shaping Welsh Government Policy with Research Evidence

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Whatever Happened to Conservative Social Thought?

Whatever Happened to Conservative Social Thought?

In the wake of Brexit, Robert Dingwall asks a series of probing questions about the eclipse of Conservative Social Thought at universities, such as when did the social sciences last have a serious engagement with the institutions of the bourgeoisie, even though by income and status many of us would belong to that class?

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Free Access to Suite of Academic Papers on Brexit

Free Access to Suite of Academic Papers on Brexit

In the latest of its monthly series of interdisciplinary microsites addressing important public issues, SAGE Publishing is offering free access to a suite academic articles that focus on the ramifications of Britain’s exit from the European Union. The content will remain ungated until April 5.

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Campaign for Social Science Report Argues for International Staff Safety Net

Campaign for Social Science Report Argues for International Staff Safety Net

Three out of every 10 academics working in UK universities, finds a new report from the Campaign for Social Science, are nationals […]

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Economist Paul Johnson Says the Known Knowns Are Killing Us

Economist Paul Johnson Says the Known Knowns Are Killing Us

Paul Johnson had one key theme in his SAGE Publishing lecture for the Campaign for Social Science: Long-term policy needs to be developed across government based on a broad understanding of the social and economic trends. And there is little evidence that this lesson is being heeded.

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How Will Universities Cope With Brexit Britain’s Resurgent Nationalism?

How Will Universities Cope With Brexit Britain’s Resurgent Nationalism?

As Brexit Britain appears headed straight for a chaotic exit from the European Union, its universities are raising questions about their future with growing alarm. The consequences which post-Brexit nationalism will have for universities, students, and scholars are hardly being discussed at all.

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Why Has Brexit Britain Not Had an Immigration Debate?

Why Has Brexit Britain Not Had an Immigration Debate?

The post-referendum public debates in the United Kingdom have been about the future of Britain and British citizens, and questions about the lives and futures of EU citizens in Britain have faded into the background, argues our Daniel Nehring. This absence of an open-ended public conversation about immigration speaks to the ways in which power organizes truth.

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Social Science Space 2017 Round Up

Social Science Space 2017 Round Up

Last year Social Science Space presented more than 200 articles on the impact, infrastructure and industry surrounding social and behavioral science and research. Looking back over those articles, we’ve chosen a few of special merit. Social Science Space plans to continue to provide the latest that the new year has to offer. Stay up to date with us to see what is in store.

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Brexit McCarthyism, Universities PLC and the Erosion of Academic Freedom in the UK

Brexit McCarthyism, Universities PLC and the Erosion of Academic Freedom in the UK

Last week the UK academic world was abuzz about Chris Heaton- Harris’ letter on Brexit. This week it’s not. This lack of lasting public interest in threats to academic freedom is lamentable even as the corporatization of the nation’s universities is the biggest threat facing academic life and flies completely under the public’s radar, argues Daniel Nehring.

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