Author: Robert Dingwall

Robert Dingwall is an emeritus professor of sociology at Nottingham Trent University. He also serves as a consulting sociologist, providing research and advisory services particularly in relation to organizational strategy, public engagement and knowledge transfer. He is co-editor of the SAGE Handbook of Research Management.

Understanding the Slave Trade
International Debate
June 3, 2019

Understanding the Slave Trade

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Reflections on the Death of Doris Day
May 22, 2019

Reflections on the Death of Doris Day

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What Counts as “Real Sociology”?
May 19, 2019

What Counts as “Real Sociology”?

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Whatever Happened to Conservative Social Thought?
April 16, 2019

Whatever Happened to Conservative Social Thought?

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Why is Social Theory So Boring?

Why is Social Theory So Boring?

The roots of sociology lie among a group of engaged, engaging and vibrant people who often risked their well-being, or even their lives, to advance their ideas. So what happened to suck much of the life out of the discipline?

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The Civic Responsibility of Ethnographers

The Civic Responsibility of Ethnographers

What duty do social scientists have to report illegal activity that they witness as part of their fieldwork? If you answered quickly, you may not have thought about the issue all that deeply.

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Academic Morale and Ponzi Schemes

Academic Morale and Ponzi Schemes

The pool of PhDs and postdocs has expanded far more rapidly than the long-term career opportunities in higher education, a situation Charles Ponzi would have recognized- and which Felicity Callard captured with a late-November tweet.

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Reflections on the Centenary of the Armistice

Reflections on the Centenary of the Armistice

At the 100th anniversary of the end of World War, Robert Dingwall asks how has English sociology asked questions about the experiences and the legacy of the war — or if it even has broached those issues.

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Why the Chinese Government Should Read Herbert Spencer

Why the Chinese Government Should Read Herbert Spencer

Herbert Spencer’s examination of ‘militant’ societies, argues our Robert Dingwall, proves to be a cautionary tale for the present Chinese government and its attempts to micro-manage society through the ‘social credit’ scheme.

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Sir Cliff Richard, the BBC and the Ethics of Interviewing

Sir Cliff Richard, the BBC and the Ethics of Interviewing

The recent brouhaha involving the BBC and the singer points out something the journalists and qualitative researchers share: the need to develop a common approach to the ethics of interviewing.

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Paying for the Good Stuff

Paying for the Good Stuff

When Robert Dingwall was younger, sociology departments routinely taught a course on ‘industry,’, ‘work’ or ‘economic life.’ “Most of this turf has now been abandoned to business schools in the form of organization studies, where it increasingly struggles to resist the expansion of finance and accounting studies,” he says, and to our detriment.

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The Other Dead of 1918

The Other Dead of 1918

Although it won’t see the memorials and centenary events that the World War I Armistice will, it’s worth thinking back to the ravages of the ‘Spanish flu’ of a century ago and the implications that that pandemic of the past has for infections of the future.

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